About Flower

My nicknames include Flower Girl, Flower Pedal, Flower Power, Flower Fu, Lion Queen, Lion Baby, Control Freak, Psycho Baby, Poophead Princess, Shih Tzu Head Princess and Maybelline Lashes. My Mom sometimes calls me Marilyn but lately calls me Flower Kardashian. I am not sure why. I think it has something to do with the way my butt looks in some of my pictures.

Flower Shih Tzu and Fall

Flower Shih Tzu

Hello everyone! We haven’t kept up with our blog, but Mom told me to talk about my life lately!

I have discovered several things I like — besides any kind of chicken treats! One, I love riding in the car on the walk to the park! Two, I love the crunchy things under my paws called leaves!

Most of all, I love sniffing everything! I think that life is good!

Shih Tzu Journal: Sept. 5, 2012

Mom said one of us should get on here and let everyone know how we are doing! I got voted to do it. Mom usually says how many days we have been here, but she didn’t tell me. I only know we have been here at least 14 months.

Mom takes us for a walk once a day — almost every day. We hate it when she doesn’t. This morning, the Man left for work and I jumped up on the couch and pawed Mom’s shoulders and back until she finally gave up trying to work and took us out. Candy still usually doesn’t want to go for walks, so unless the Man is going with us, she leaves Candy here.

Mom says she thinks the grass bothers Candy’s feet, or she might like to walk. She walks really daintily over it and tries to get to the dirt or pavement. She is really, really slow, so when she comes with us, we have to wait for her. Well, she is the most slow on the grass. When we go to the place Mom calls Majestic View, she is better. But when we go walking on the grass behind that big building called Wal-Mart, she is really slow.

I love, love walking! I love chasing birds! I love sniffing under the bushes! I love it all! What I don’t understand is why Mom always holds the end of my leash, but Dottie always gets to “walk herself,” and now, so does Candy. Sometimes Nigel gets to walk himself too. When we are at the park, Mom lets Candy and Dottie walk themselves unless people or dogs approach us. Then, she quickly grabs the leashes. That’s because Dottie usually gets confused and either runs away from or follows the people. Mom says if I walked myself I would run in front of a car because I would be chasing a bird or a kite and wouldn’t pay attention.

Right now, we’re all taking naps, because Mom is being boring, just typing on her computer. I wish we could go for another walk! I hear some dogs are lucky and get to walk more than once a day! That would be so wonderful!

Shih Tzu Morning Walk

Our Morning Walk

Mom took a video of us walking this morning. How silly! But she says she is so proud at how far we’ve come and she wants to show the world we actually do walk. She says that because when we had a party a week or so ago, we just stayed at Shih Tzu Central. We can’t help it! We’re still getting used to people!

Back to the walking part. Nigel always liked to walk. But me, Dottie, and Candy were afraid to go for walks. We were afraid of the harness and the leash and what might be outside our home!

Now, I love it! I love chasing birds, although I can never catch them, because that thing that ties me to mother won’t let me go that far! But it’s fun trying.

Mom lets Dottie wander around. She says that’s because Dottie won’t run off chasing birds and get hit by a car or something! But I wish I had that freedom! Still, it is the funnest part of my day! Did I say I like taking walks!

Oh, you probably wonder why Candy isn’t in the video. Candy runs outside and hides when it’s time for our walk. Mom says she is just learning how to walk three dogs, so that’s okay. On the weekend, when the Man goes with us, Candy has to come along!

Someday, though, Mom says she will start taking Candy every morning when we go. I can’t wait until tomorrow morning so I can go for another walk! Yippee!


Take Your Dog to Work Day, Friday, June 22

It’s been a while since we’ve posted! We’ve been very busy and Mom hasn’t been much help with our Twitter account and is behind talking about our lives at the Freeze home. She promises to catch up soon, because A LOT has been happening here!

In the meantime, we ran across this information on the 14th annual Pet Sitters International “Take Your Dog to Work Day,” which is Friday, June 22.

We’re lucky. Mom has an office at home, so, technically, we go with her to work everyday. Nigel and Dottie sit on the couch with her most of the time. I jump up to see what’s going on now and then. Since all dogs aren’t that lucky, we want all the Humans out there planning to take dogs like us to work to be prepared. Follow these helpful tips by celebrity dog trainer, animal behaviorist and radio host Harrison Forbes.

Practice Makes Perfect: Before to bringing your dog into the office, practice polite behavior by taking them out to public places. Letting Fido tag along on your next trip to the park, pet store or café patio will help them become more acclimated to new people, places and animals. This will help them learn proper behavior when greeting people and help them relax in new settings.

Plan, Prepare and Protect: Plan ahead and check with your co-workers to make sure everyone is allergy-free and comfortable with dogs. Also, prepare your work space by hiding electrical cords, and setting out a dog bed and water bowl. Most importantly, make sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccines and protected from fleas and ticks that can be passed from other four-legged office mates. Use a monthly topical treatment like PetArmor®, which is the fipronil-based preventative that offers the same protection as Frontline® at about half the cost.

Walk This Way: Learn leash manners before stepping foot into the building. A trick to combat leash pulling is to stop walking or stop and walk in the opposite direction. When the dog stops and the leash becomes loose, start walking again. Repeat this exercise until your dog learns to walk with you instead of pulling ahead. This can be a long and frustrating process, but it will be effective in the long-term.

Sit and Stay: Condition your dog to sit and stay on command. This is the proper way to greet co-workers, and will help ensure your work day is productive. Teach “sit” and “down” by practicing ahead of time out in public, and offering a small treat for every successful command. Keep training sessions short and gradually build up to an hour. Once at work, encourage your dog to sit or lie down in its bed while in you’re working in your office.

Getting to Know You: Avoid office disputes by asking permission before you allow your dog to greet another dog, and don’t force your dog to become ‘friends’ with another dog; let them meet in their own time. Try to keep a loose leash when introducing your dog to another. Pulling tightly on the leash may cause your dog to become nervous and to growl or snap.

Royal Canin Doggy Spa Giveaway Clarification

Calling all friends

Royal Canin giveaway

Hello everyone! This is Flower! I haven’t written for a while. In fact, Mom usually hogs the computer. I just got on here and realized that we really need to update my picture! I am much prettier now.

Anyway, why I am writing is because Dottie, Flower, Nigel, and I are concerned about our first ever raffle, the Royal Canin Doggy Day Spa Pack giveaway. We let Mom write up the information, and we think she got it wrong the first time, so we have been coaching her.

First of all, we know that the spa package comes with X-SMALL dog food, but we want to make sure our friends know that they don’t have to be X-SMALL to enter the raffle. None of us shih tzus here are x-small. Well, Candy is kind of small and Nigel is kind of small, but they would need to lose some weight to be x-small. And Candy seems skinny enough! Now, Dottie is really a different subject. I think she’s almost a medium, but she’s sensitive about her weight and doesn’t want to talk about it. I think I’m perfect!

So, now that I have clarified that you don’t have to be x-small to enter, we want all of our friends to please, please enter the contest! After all, who doesn’t want free stuff!! Also, Mom asked people to talk about why their dog deserves to be pampered. Excuse me! We expect our dog friends to enter themselves! So, that means that if they want to, and only if they want tom they should tell us why THEY deserve to be pampered. Their Humans don’t have to speak for them!

Please, please, all of our Twitter friends, come by and enter! Mom doesn’t have many Twitter friends, so we want to show her how supportive ours are by entering our giveaway contest.

Yummy food

Now I am going to give you our opinion of the gift. We LOVE the food. The only problem is that Mom never gives us enough. Now, I can tell you that none of us like baths, so none of us like shampoo, but we do think it smells pretty. Mom says it’s “tropical,” whatever that means. We would have loved to get a few bones or treats in there, but oh well. We know Mom liked everything in the box, so at least she is happy.

mothers day

That gives me an idea!!! Mothers Day is next month. So, why don’t you guys and gals all enter the prize to enter it for your Mom!

So, now that we’ve straightened thinks out, please follow this link to the rafflecopter!!!!