Shih Tzu Day 28: Romper Room Revival

Living on the Romper Room Set

I can see Flower and Dottie...I can see Candy...John and I were talking this morning about the cute factor of living with these shih tzu sisters. He said he was thinking about the little tykes and thought of the children’s TV show, “Romper Room.” I knew exactly what part he was talking about, when the hostess held up her “magic mirror,” and said, “I can see …” and named off the guests. My magic mirror is my camera: “I can see Candy and Flower and Dottie … and Shiloh.”

McDonald’s Again

I decided to continue my experiment with Flower and take her to McDonald’s again. It was a repeat of yesterday. Yup. She hated the car ride again, but, no poop, so we are improving!

I took her home, took the kids out back and fed them a gourmet lunch on the porch. She might not have liked her trip, but at least maybe she will start to realize that something bad doesn’t happen each time she gets in the car. I wish I had tried harder with our Yorkie, Joey. She thought every trip was a trip to the groomer or vet, and she shook violently anytime she got in the car. Then again, every trip was a trip to the groomer or the vet because of the way she felt in the car!

What a Rush

Let's rush her. She's hiding food.When we came inside, the girls weren’t ready to go back to their safe zone. They all roamed around the living room for a while. Flower and Dottie’s tails were wagging. I still haven’t figured out if Candy actually wags her tail. I don’t seem to ever catching her doing it.

Flower decided to repose on the floor between the safe zone and me to take a small nap. It’s odd. The dogs will be in their corner, and suddenly, somethinThis dog is a funny color. It's not our sister, is it?g will set them off, and it’s like someone let them out of their cage. They descend on me, cute as a bunch of little lions. I can see why they’re called “lion dogs.” Especially Flower. Sometimes the way they rush me reminds me of those zombie movies.

I disappeared for a while to go upstairs to gather laundry. The girls thought it was morning again. When I came down, they started their prancing and biting routine.

The Orange Dog

Candy and Flower have finCandy is such a pushover! ally decided to play with the orange dog I got them. Candy was carrying it around, tugging on it for a while, but then Flower, the bully, took it from her.  When Flower got tired of them, she leaped up onto the couch to visit me. Her time limit seems to be about five minutes.

Not Dad Yet

Flower still barked, growled and ran when John came in. She scurried around the room, darted here and there, while the other three dogs took treats from him. I think it would be a little better if Shiloh wasn’t constantly trying to be front and center. I know the day will come when they will realize that he’s a good dad. It’s a strange switch. Joey was so devoted to John. But, I know they will come around.

Shih Tzu Day 27: McDonald’s — I’m Lovin’ It — But Not in the Car | McDonald’s.

Attempting Lunch Out at McDonald’s

McDonald'sMcDonald’s and got a small cheeseburger and french fries to try to share with Dottie. She wouldn’t eat either.

When I took her home, I was still in the mood to experiment, so I lured Flower to me and put the harness on her. Dottie had been the dog who shook violently when they first came to live here, so I thought she would be worse in the car, but Flower handled it worse. Of course, we know what Flower does when she is scared. She doesn’t shake; she poops.

I wonder if Mom knows she dropped these yummy fries.I grabbed a towel to take with me, just in case, and I was glad I had it under her when I sat down in the driver’s seat. It only took a second for her fear to manifest itself. I tried to soothe her, knowing that the drive to McDonald’s was only two minutes. It was a very long two minutes. First, she wanted to sit on my lap, instead of in the passenger seat. I successfully got her back in the seat, but then she frantically tried to jump into the backseat, for some reason. I guess I know why some people only take their pets in the car with them in a kennel. I’m sure more than one person has wrecked the car trying to keep their canine out of danger.

It’s McDonald’s, Flower!

After I had ordered two cheeseburgers and fries, to split four ways, I pulled over and told Flower that we were going to have a nice lunch together. I thought of what Leah had said: bark commands, growl warnings and chirp praise. I assumed that if I chirped, Flower would know every thing was okay. So I chirped: “See Flower. McDonald’s. Doesn’t it look yummy. Yes, Flower. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. It’s McDonald’s! You’ll love McDonald’s.”

But, like Dottie, Flower was too scared to even sniff the burger or fries. I finally gave up and started the car. Back at the house, I herded all the dogs out to the porch and rattled the bag. Dottie had recovered from her earlier trip, and headed my way, wagging her tail. It only took Flower a few minutes to decide that the horrible ordeal was over, so she approached me too.

Dottie, Candy and Shiloh eagerly took bites of the McDonald’s hamburger. Shiloh gulped down a few fries, while Dottie and Candy timidly took some from my hand. At first, Flower would only eat the fries once I dropped them on the ground, but she soon began taking them from my hand.

After all the excitement of the day, I decided that I wanted to take a short nap. I picked up Dottie and took her upstairs with me. Barbara had said Dottie sometimes slept with them, but I was still waiting for Dottie to make that step with us. My theory is that it could be threatening, since the bed is tall. Shiloh can jump up on it, but I know the shih tzus wouldn’t be able to do that. Also, she had been with Barbara for five months, and she has only been with us for nearly one. Dottie did lay down with me while I napped, but I don’t know if she slept.

Flower Returns to Normal

I was happy to see Flower returning to normal after her trip. She came across paper John had wadded up, which had landed on the floor, and she gleefully carried it off to the corner, so she could chew on it. When she got tired of that, she did some power chewing on the pacifier Mom bought her.

Candy, the Escape Artist

I think I have figured out at least one reason why Candy likes lying next to the couch, on the hard floor, instead of in a dog bed. I moved the couch back out from the wall, and it is an easy way to escape unwanted attention. I moved it back, to make her a little more sociable.

Later, I picked her up and held her for several minutes, without her fighting. However, she did jump down as soon as I sat her on the couch. She was in a playful mood this afternoon, tussling with the Kong teddy bear.

If I ever had any doubt about these shih tzus — and I did — I don’t anymore. They have become such a big part in my life.


Shih Tzu Day 27: In Need of a Dog Groomer

Flirting with Shiloh tired me out.

Dog Groomer Needed!

After Flower finished her wild romping with Candy and Shiloh, she paid me a visit on the couch. While she sat with me, I called Clear Creek Animal Hospital, to find out how much it would cost to take these little shih tzus in for grooming, even though I don’t want to do anything until the are comfortable in the car. I assume it will be roughly what we used to pay for Joey, times three. Gulp.

The hospital’s dog groomer has been on leave, so they referred me to Lia at the Gentle Groomer in Arvada. I called and had an interesting conversation with her. I asked her if she thought it would be possible for me to stay with the shih tzus if I brought them in, since they were fearful dogs. I know; I sounded like an overprotective mother.

Lia told me that she had been dealing with fearful dogs for years, since many animal rescues refer people who need a dog groomer to her, and that from her experience, it was best to act like there was no problem, and the dogs would follow the lead.

I don't suppose you want to give me another treat?Getting to a dog groomer

I told her that their fear included car rides, so I thought it would be hard to get them to a dog groomer. She said that what works for many people is loading the dog up and taking it to McDonald’s, buying something on the menu and sitting there with the fearful dog, giving it some of the hamburger or fries, whatever catches their attention. She said to do that three days in a row, and the dog will associate the car with the pleasant experience and not be afraid anymore. She also suggested taking a bag of hot dog pieces with you to the vet or dog groomer and having the person feed them to the dog to get rid of that fear.

Lia didn’t have any immediate openings, but she said if I came by, she would talk to me for a few minutes about small ways I could groom the girls in the meantime. I decided I was going to take Dottie to the dog groomer with me, and afterwards, we’d stop at McDonald’s. I’ not sure how good the idea is, since many people would probably say I shouldn’t give them junk food, but I might as well give it a shot.

I was having a great day until you made me wear this harness.Lia and I talked about the idea of me taking a grooming class from her, versus paying a dog groomer the cash (approximately $40 a piece) needed to groom three dogs every six to eight weeks. I am deciding if I want to do that in August. It would be $100 for the dog groomer class, but then I would need to buy the grooming tools. I am also going to contact a mobile dog groomer I heard about. Delores at BFF Rescue had thought that would be a good solution, but if I can get the girls used to the car, I probably won’t have to do that.

Shih Tzu Day 26: Shih Tzu Sisters Baby Steps

More Baby Steps for the shih tzu sisters

There's something soothing about this new toy.I don't know why Candy is sucking on her toy. Everyone knows you bite it!!I guess having guests all weekend tired me out. I couldn’t get up until 7. The shih tzu sisters came up to get me about 6, but I didn’t budge. They kept running up and down the stairs, then into the bedroom, playing with my hand whenever I dangled it down to them. (I had a warped thought as they gently bit at my hand. A famous aviatrix named Pancho Barnes had several dogs. When she died, the story goes, they began nibbling on her arm. I imagine she might have played the same game with her dogs before her demise! I said it was warped!)

No Barking Outside

Sorry to say, one of the shih tzu sisters has discovered that they like pooping in the spare bedroom. It might even be Shiloh. We really need What will you give me if I give you back your mail?a surveillance camera in every room so we can catch the culprits in action. And now for positive news:  John prepared the dog food bowls for me, so the dogs could learn to eat from him. They followed him outside, ate, and then went and played in the garden, without barking at all!

Flower Sits With Dottie and Me

Dottie spent a lot of time on the couch with me today. Flower has tThis floor feels cool on my tummy! I like it. aken to jumping up into the rocking chair that John used to sit in when he smoked his pipe. (It was actually a nice smell, but he has been tobacco-free for a year!) I hurried to get my camera (I need it near me at all times!), but she jumped down as soon as I moved. Surprisingly, instead of going back to the play area, she jumped up on the couch, to sit with Dottie and me.

Candy Warms Up to John

John is making great headway with Candy. While he prepared his lunch this morning, she wandered in, looking for food, I’m sure. He gave her a little cheese, which she fearlessly took from him. That brought Shiloh and the shih tzu sisters in to gather around him. Another victory!

Dottie Visits PetSmart

Do we really have to leave the house?I thought I would be daring and take Dottie to PetSmart with me. I considered the trip successful. I put her in the As Seen on TV ComfyControl Harness to get her used to it, although I didn’t plan to have her walk. She seemed a little nervous in the car, but she did well at PetSmart. I carried her around the store while we looked at Kongs. Mom says dogs are supposed to be crazy about them. I bought one for each of the dogs, although I didn’t know how I was going to get them to use their own and not steal everyone else’s.

In the car, I tried to give her a Waggin Train’ chicken and apple treat, but she wouldn’t take it. I think she was a little too nervous from the outing. She did eat two when we got home, though.

If I just stick my tongue in this hole a little bit farther...Of course, Flower was the shih tzu sister who figured out how to “use” the Kong. She took Shiloh’s too, and ran off with it. Candy and Dottie didn’t show much interest, or didn’t know how to get the peanut butter out. Instead, I put some peanut butter on Candy’s pacifier and she licked it off. I did try to feed the dogs carrots and apples again, but only Shiloh gobbled them down. He is at least proof that some dogs will eat raw fruits and veggies.

Shih Tzu Day 25: Unsociable Shih Tzus

harmonious shih tzus

All the shih tzus came up to get me this morning. Waldo (one of my nicknames for Shiloh) stood by while they danced, until we went into the kitchen, and then he participated in a mild fashion. I think he’s getting tired of me telling him not to scratch my legs.

John didn’t come down with me, since we had stayed up late last night with our visitors, Nikki and Clarke, watching music videos. After the shih tzus and I came in from their outdoor breakfast, they acted like they wanted to play again, instead of going right back to their corner, like they usually do.

But, company and a houseful of dogs have been slowing me down, and I needed to do a little work. I settled on the couch with my laptop, letting Dottie up when she put her paws up on the couch for assistance. Flower lay down on the floor by my feet. I thought Candy was back in their safe zone, but then I realized she was sitting in front of my feet, chewing on a Pork Chomp, but the laptop was blocking me from seeing her. Whenever I’d look at Flower, her tail would wag. The harmony and contentment made me happy. As for Shiloh, it made him bored and he bounded back upstairs.

Dottie Takes Her Second Car Ride in the Jeep

We again put Shiloh in the kennel before we went to pick up mom for breakfast in Boulder. We had to come back home and get Nikki and Clarke so I decided to take Dottie with us for the fifteen-minute car ride. She shook in the Jeep at first, but otherwise did good.Dottie on her second car ride

Our breakfast took more time than we thought it would, so we instructed my stepdaughter Leticia to have the children change into their swimsuits and swim for a while before we got there. Gabe drove up with Crystal and her daughter, Avi, when we were leaving to go to the store for lunch fixings, so we told him to go on in.

When we got back, the shih tzus were all huddled in their corner. I moved everyone to the garage, where we were going to eat, so they could have a little peace. Nikki and Clarke decided they were going to get on the road before lunch, so they said their goodbyes to us and Shiloh, leaving the shih tzus with two less people to watch warily.

I thought the shih tzus might be a little more comfortable with people, so I told Evita to come and say hi. However, Dottie growled at her, so I warned them that they should say their hellos from a distance.

Shiloh Takes a Walk — or Twenty

After we ate, we brought Shiloh out on his leash, and I brought Dottie outside to sit with me for awhile while people took turns playing ping ping and riding our bikes. Rema, Oriana, Evita, Dulcea and Avi took turns taking Shiloh for walks. Shiloh loved the attention and the walks.

Our granddaughter, Dulcea, walks ShilohThings didn’t go perfectly with Shiloh, however. He did growl at a couple of the kids, so we kept an eye on him. He also growled and barked at the neighbor’s dog when it walked by. Shiloh growled at the neighbor’s big dog, hair standing up. He is a great dog, but I think he definitely needs a watchful eye on him.

They’re Gone!

Once everyone left, the ewoks emerged from their corner. True, we lured them out with treats, which John fed them. The shih tzus will probably be very happy to know that they will be visitor free at least until next weekend, when the kids and grandchildren descend on the house again.