Shih Tzu Day 113: Chaos at the Shih Tzu Zoo

The shih tzu zoo

two shih tzus playingtwo shih tzus playingI was looking around at the kids this morning and thought, “This is a shih tzu zoo!” At the time, Nigel was snuggled up to my left side. Dottie was lying on the other side. Flower and Candy had come alive, after a nap in their dog beds, and were wandering around the floor. What is amazing is that I do fairly well as a zookeeper.

two shih tzus playingJohn has been surprised at that too. I was the one who really wanted a Yorkshire terrier and the one who picked out and named Josephina Ballerina, aka Joey. However, John was the one who gave her the most care. A lot was different when we had Joey. For the first several years, I worked full time out of the house. For the last eight years she was with us I did my newspaper editing worked at home, but my editing and writing duties were out of control, so I never seemed to have time for her. Luckily, she was John’s baby, so that didn’t matter so much. He got up in the morning and fed her and fed her when he got home in the evening. She sat on his lap whenever he was sitting down.

When I decided I wanted a shih tzu, I gave it a lot of thought, because I knew I would need to be more involved. I haven’t had such a hectic schedule since leaving the paper three years ago. The timing seemed to be right. Of course, I planned for one shih tzu, not for several to overrun the house! I do love my shih tzu zoo though!

shih tzu romp time

After the shih tzus ate their breakfast and did their business, Dottie, Flower and Nigel scurried inside. Dottie and Flower don’t seem to have a big desire to stay outside since the weather is getting colder. Nigel usually wants to go right back out, so I don’t know why he came in with them. I told him to go play with Candy, and he did go back out. They had a half-hour romp.

When they came inside, they started playing in the dining room, but I had the back door open a little, so they danced outside onto the patio again. Loud noises outside brought them back in, and Flower joined the other two shih tzus. Since we haven’t gotten the girls used to walks yet, I’m glad they are getting “Nigel exercise.”

Candy went back outside a little later and sat by herself. I know she always liked being by herself, and I think she still does. She still loves to wander around the yard. When she sits on the porch, though, she looks towards the door sometimes, like she is waiting. Maybe for the little boy shih tzu to come out and play? Maybe not, though. I have a tendency to read into things.

couch competition

two shih tzus sparring.two shih tzus sparringFlower has been sitting by Dottie and me quite a bit lately. However, she had a problem today. She came and sat in front of the couch and kept looking up at it, but Nigel and Dottie were sprawled out taking up all the room. Flower went over and checked out the dog steps I bought from Ross Dress For Less, which Nigel uses to get up on the male side of the couch. She sniffed them, and eventually tried to step on one, but it moved and scared her. She investigated them again later, but they might be a little short for her, because she didn’t try very hard to use them. Eventually she wandered back over to Shih Tzu Central.


two shih tzus sparringAfter that, Nigel carried a small bear and some treats up onto the couch. Flower decided she wanted one of the treats and took it. It was probably one the male shih tzu stole originally from the girls anyway. The result was another bone war. When Nigel tried to get it back, Flower started yipping at him and jumped off the couch. He followed her down, but then she jumped up on her couch to escape him. He responded by stretching his neck out and going “woo, woo, woo,” like he was howling at the moon.

The couch situation has also caused Dottie to often sit closer to me now than she used to, because of competition for the couch corner. Today I was typing and felt something at my side. Dottie was sitting as close as Nigel does, rubbing against my sweater and looking up at me. She didn’t appear to be in pain or to be wanting anything, so I thought maybe she just felt like being close. When I thought about it further, though, she could have just been trying to figure out why my sweater pocket smelled like the dog treats I had in them the other day.

Kong enjoys the outdoors

a shih tzu with a retriever rollWhen I was deciding what treats to give the shih tzus, I came across the Kong I had bought the girls. They weren’t very interested, but I thought Nigel might be. I filled it with peanut butter, but he wasn’t interested either. That was surprising, since I thought Kongs were all the rage with dogs. Maybe they aren’t all that to shih tzus. Later in the afternoon, though, I noticed that the Kong was outside, with the peanut butter still inside. I imagine Nigel smuggled it out when I wasn’t looking. He didn’t want the peanut butter, but he likes the act of smuggling.

The shih tzus are much more into their variety of bones. Candy’s main interest today was a retriever roll from the Dollar Tree. I love watching her eat them, because she handles them so gently, holding them delicately between her front paws and nibbling like a rabbit.

New Dog Bed Relocation

four shih tzusNigel doesn’t seem to like to keep his dog bed in one place. Today, he grabbed it with his teeth and moved it continually until he finally had it right in front of the door. Maybe he wants it there to be the first one to greet John. After he finally stopped and got in it, Flower went and sat next to him, off of the bed, for at least 10 minutes.

Training Pads

I might be getting somewhere with the training pads. I have moved them clear over by the back door now, so they are no longer in the living room or dining room, and the shih tzus have been using them. I counted three spots when I came downstairs this morning. Since the goal is to get them to do their business outside whenever possible, I positioned jingle bells above the training pads. My hope is that I will hear them and can get there before they do anything, so I can get them outside in time. I don’t think I have them positioned correctly yet, though, because I never hear them jingle. Either that, or the shih tzus are tiptoeing around.

Shih Tzu Day 113: Male Shih Tzus are Silly!

the trouble with male shih tzus

three shih tzus playingHello everyone! Mom says we need to start writing more, so I volunteered to write today. I volunteered because I have a subject to discuss: male shih tzus! I just don’t understand the one that lives here. He seems so different than us. First, he is very little — even smaller than Candy. Also, he has large, funny looking feet! And sometimes he smells!

three shih tzus playingthree shih tzus playing.Beyond that, though, he can be kind of mean sometimes. Even though he is a little bratty, Mom says I am older and I need to be nice to Nigel, but sometimes it is very hard. Not everyone at our house thinks Nigel is a brat. I think the Treat Man really likes him, because Nigel sits on his lap a lot and I always hear him say that Nigel is really cute. Well, to be fair, he says I am cute, too, but it doesn’t really matter to me. I only care what Mom thinks. Mom told me the other day that she did think Nigel was cute, but not as cute as us girl shih tzus! That makes us happy.

I guess Candy doesn’t have a problem with male shih tzus, because I think she likes Nigel. She spends a lot of time playing with him. So does Flower. Not me. He is very rough, so that makes me wonder if all male shih tzus are like that. He bites my tail and my face and my ears. He bites everything, I guess! Not gentle bites, either.

Today we were sitting in our dog beds minding our own business and Nigel came and started snooping around to see what he could steal. Soon, him, Candy and Flower were raising a ruckus. I guess Nigel started it, because I heard Mom say, “Nigel!! Get out of there!” It was very loud. I was afraid she was mad at all of us. She apologized afterwards. That happens a lot. One day Nigel got yelled at for something I did. It was funny. Candy and I were playing, Candy yelped, and Mom said “Nigel! Stop it!” Then she said “Oops,” when she realized Nigel wasn’t even near us. She apologized to him.

Nigel sure likes to bark. Well, Candy barks a lot at cats that get in the yard, and Flower does too, and sometimes I even do. Also, we bark and bark until Mom gets up in the morning, but beyond that, we are pretty quiet. Not Nigel. He is a loud mouth! He barks when he doesn’t get his way. He does this thing, where he goes, “Woo, woo, woo.” It sounds funny. Maybe all male shih tzus have funny barks. He snorts and he sighs a lot too. And he sneezes when he gets agitated; he sneezes on me and Flower and Candy and even Mom and the Treat Man. I guess that’s kind of funny. Girl shih tzus don’t do that.

I heard Mom tell the Treat Man that she needs to go to a dog training class and that she should take Nigel. She said she doesn’t know what to do about him, because when he is bad and she tries to talk to him in a normal voice, he ignores her. I agree that he is a bratty shih tzu and needs training! He especially needs training not to bite my tail when I try to get up on the coach to see Mom. That is very rude! Oh, I hear him again, right now, outside, going, “woo, woo, woo.” Male shih tzus are so silly.

my pony Candy

I’d better stop talking about Nigel, because Mom said to talk about my day. Well, there isn’t much to say. I usually just sit by Mom and watch the other shih tzus play, but sometimes I join in. For instance, today Candy and Nigel and Flower were running around being silly, so I went to play with them. I like to pretend Candy is my pony. Mom always laughs when I try to ride her. She says it just doesn’t look quite right, whatever that means. but Flower rides her sometimes too. And sometimes Flower is Candy’s pony.

Oh no! I guess I have to hurry up and end this. The Treat Man must have arrived, because my sisters and Nigel are barking their heads off. We’ll soon be going out on the porch for something yummy!

Day 112: Devil Dog Shih Tzu Puppy

Mr. male shih tzu puppy is a handful

shih tzu puppy playshih tzu puppy playI have started getting a little impatient with Nigel, the little “devil dog.” During my morning ritual with the girls, our male shih tzu puppy decided to just start charging the girls, hoping they would pay attention to him. He’s taken to biting Candy’s tail constantly and he tries to boss Flower and Dottie. He’s quite a bit different from the sweet little boy who arrived here fresh over pneumonia and a sterilization and hernia operation.

shih tzu puppy playNigel has some fabulous qualities. For instance, thank goodness he is house trained. I am very happy that this little male shih tzu scratches at the door to tell me when he needs to go outside, and he would go out, hundreds of times a day, if I let him, particularly to smuggle out toys and bones. But, he also fakes that need a lot. Joey used to do the same thing: shih tzu puppy playscratch on the door to make me think she wanted outside, but as soon as I got up, run away from the door. It was her ploy to get me to give her food, and I think that’s what Nigel does too, many times. Like Joey did, he scratches at the door, and when I get up, he runs away from it.

Earlier, my little shadow Dottie sat patiently while I got my coffee, put things away, etc. The minute I sat down and pulled my computer table towards me, Dottie jumped up and ran to the couch, as usual. Today, though, the devil dog shih tzu puppy ran up and grabbed her tail while I was helping her up onto the couch. No wonder she growls at him when he comes to her side of the couch.

two shih tzusLater, I was working away when I realized that Flower was sitting with me and Dottie. Nigel had been on one side but crossed over to see what was happening on the female shih tzu side. Dottie wasn’t happy, probably because of the tail pulling earlier, so she jumped down. I’m sure she wistfully thinks about the days when it was just she and Mom on the couch, with no male shih tzu puppy in sight.

Flower tried to visit me earlier, but devil dog shih tzu puppy kept tackling her. I never know if she wants to interact with him. Today it looked like she was having fun with him, until she jumped up on the couch where he couldn’t get her. Bad boy shih tzu puppy didn’t like that and kept barking at her. I wanted to be a little kid and say, “Shut your big mouth; she can stay up here if she wants!” Well, I think I actually did say that.

To sum Nigel up, this shih tzu puppy is vocal, rambunctious, headstrong and pushy. But, whenever I find myself wondering what the picture would be like without him, he comes up to the couch with a bone in his silly little mouth and looks up at me with those big eyes, or begins to pull my socks off, and I have to smile. So, on the other side, he’s lovable, charming, adventurous, inquisitive and goodnatured.

Is it shih tzu puppy love?

a male shih tzu puppy and two female shih tzusCandy sometimes loses patience with Nigel too. But, like me, she still thinks he’s charming. This afternoon when Candy was outside, I heard a noise and quickly went to see if she was okay. Her and Nigel were sparring on the patio. I’m still cautious, so I opened the door to see if she needed an escape route, but they moved away from the door, so she must have been having fun.

I left the screen door open, and later, I could hear their heavy breathing. An hour later, the two shih tzu puppies were still playing outside. Still later, when the scuffling was getting quite loud outside, I opened the screen door, and they both looked at me and then ran around the corner where I couldn’t see them. I couldn’t help smiling. Is this puppy love?

When he came in later, devil dog seemed all tuckered out. He put his head on my lap and stayed there for quite a while. Candy didn’t come in when he did. I tried to approach her and she ran. She is a strange but adorable little thing. Later, when she did come in, she sat in one of the dog beds looking depressed. Did she wish she was still playing with Nigel? Another aspect of puppy love perhaps?

Candy and Nigel had another play date inside later. This time, Flower decided to get in on the action. She would get up on the couch and when she thought Candy needed help, would fly off and join the fray. I kept hearing yapping, but no one was trying to escape, so I let them play it off. Maybe none of it is puppy love. Maybe it’s all just puppy play.

Shih Tzu Day 104: Dog Bone Wars and Dog Bed Relocation

Dog bone Redistribution

three shih tzusa shih tzu dancingOnce the girls started barking this morning, Nigel started stirring. He sleeps so soundly that throughout the night, you would never know he was there, except for the lump that is his body. It was different with Joey, because she had a tendency to snore. Occasionally, though, he will sigh. I’m not sure why, but it is very cute.  When John got up to go to the restroom, Nigel wandered up to lay on my pillow. Well, he actually lay down on my head, which was on the pillow.

three shih tzus at bottom of stairsthree shih tzus at bottom of stairs.I kept the dogs occupied for a long time this morning with various dog bone and chew things. Of course, although Nigel had more than enough, he went to Shih Tzu Central to steal the dog bone I left on the dog bed for Candy. Flower also had two red and white rawhide minis, but she had to take Candy’s too, so I had to do bone redistribution again.

three shih tzusDottie isn’t much of a thief. She usually just takes what Mom gives her and chews away contentedly. Even after the redistribution, Flower went and took the dog bone Candy was chewing on and Nigel boldly pranced into Shih Tzu Central and came out with a mini rawhide to add to the collection in his dog bed. I had to shush everyone when the barking over dog bone property got a little fierce. Later, though, Nigel left a half chewed dog bone on the couch and Flower stole it. He watched her walk away with it without charging at her. That’s a good sign.

Bologna thief

The back end of a shih tzuI had a bologna sandwich today, so I gave each of the dogs a very small piece. When I got to Candy, however, who was in her dog bed, Flower ran up and nipped it out of my fingers before I could do that. When she sprinted away, I blocked the entrance of Shih Tzu Central with my legs so she couldn’t do that again and Candy could get her piece. I also shared some of my apple with Nigel. He is the only dog still interested in apples.

Dog bed relocation

two shih tzus greeting dad.shih tzu in a lap.I saw a very cute video a few months ago of a small dog dragging its dog bed all over a room. Nigel was doing that today. I don’t know what he was trying to achieve, but it was fun to watch him. Another thing I haven’t been able to figure out is why Flower likes to lay behind her bed, against the wall, instead of on one of the dog beds. Candy does that sometimes too. I thought maybe it was because the floor was cool, but it hasn’t been that hot lately.

Flower did abandon her wall to sit between Dottie and me on the couch for quite a while this evening. Once John got home, Nigel was content to sit in his lap for most of the night.


Shih Tzu Day 103: The Shihtzuation with Nigel

crazy little thing called Nigel

A shih tzu howlinga shih tzu in his dog bed.Our household is getting used to Nigel. John has been his biggest fan since day one. I think he’s adorable, but Nigel can be a handful. This morning he crawled into my lap and stayed there for awhile. Every now and then he would look up at me with a very sweet expression. I jokingly told John that when/if he leaves, we will retire his little black skull sweater, like when sports figures’ numbers are retired. John suggested we could frame it and hang it on the wall.

shih tzu with a Milo's Kitchen bag.shih tzu with tongue out of mouth.Flower and Candy are getting used to him too. At first, it seemed like they weren’t quite sure if he was replacing them. No, I don’t know how dogs think, but they did seem to retreat a little. I just kept giving them lots of love and telling them that this was their home and they were staying. I think Dottie accepts him, but she just tolerates him, kind of like when she tolerates when Flower wants to enter “her” space on the couch.

waggle, waggle

two shih tzus a shih tzu and a childEvery once in a while, Candy and Flower will suddenly leave Shih Tzu Central to saunter in front of the couch, going who knows where. Usually, they head for their home under the dining room table, like it was one of those makeshift forts kids make, thinking that once there, no one else will see them.

shih tzu begging for pizza.Sometimes, they turn right around and saunter back. It is really cute when they stop in front of my computer stand, where I can’t see them, and nuzzle or slightly lick my toes. Then, when I look down, Flower will do her little head waggle and Candy her butt waggle.

I always tell them to come up and see me, but usually, Candy walks on by. Flower often comes closer, puts her paws on the top edge of the couch, stretches and then slides clear down to the floor until she is flat. It is so cute, but I don’t know why she does it. It would be interesting to see what she would do if Dottie wasn’t queen of her end of the couch and Nigel didn’t reign over the John end. Usually when they start getting restless, I herd them outside, give them a Milo’s Kitchen dog treat or something else, and then try to get them to play in the yard.

I love you this big

Nigel with dog treat in mouthMy shih tzu trio couldn’t be more “my girls” than if I had birthed them. As Scottie McCreery, the reigning American Idol would say, I love them “this big.” I acknowledge their dysfunctions and fears. I have more patience with their idiosyncrasies than I ever thought I would have with a canine companion. Still, I have to admit that it is refreshing having a puppy in the house that loves people easily and hasn’t learned fear.

two shih tzus on a couchI know that Nigel’s life was different. I wish I knew what it was. John doesn’t understand how anyone could turn Nigel over to an animal shelter. Looking at him and seeing how he loves people, I assume he had a loving home. Maybe his family just couldn’t afford taking care of him when he had pneumonia. Maybe he was sick before that. We will never know, but it’s easy to wonder about his life before.

All we know is that the last couple months of his life were tough, but he seems very well adjusted. It was heartwarming watching the way that he completely trusted Leticia and Candace’s children, climbing into every lap that was available.

We also thought it was so cute the way that John’s sister Lynda and her husband Jeff embraced him, even though Jeff joked about him sneezing all over him. I imagine that is aftereffects of the pneumonia. He does sneeze a lot, and his big eyes always water. Despite that, he is so cute.

I thought he seemed a little down this afternoon. He was very excited when I got home though. I’m not sure what happened. Earlier he was resting by Dottie, with his head on her side. Since they are the two couch dogs, that’s par for the course. Maybe she gave him one of her ferocious growls, telling him he was intruding on her space. I try to stop that when I am there, but I can’t always be there.

in the ring

Candy and Flower picked a play fight with each other this afternoon. They were fighting in their make-believe ring for quite a while, their paws up. Well, they look more like dancing ponies than wrestlers. I saw Nigel watching them, and thought he probably wanted to play, but they haven’t yet accepted him, either in the morning when they get up or later in the day, in their “reindeer games.” My hope is that they will accept him soon. After all, they sure know what it’s like to be a dog down on their luck!