Shih Tzu Day 32: The Shih Tzu Sisters Scatter

John causes the shih tzu sisters to scatter

I decided to bring Dottie upstairs with us, away from her shih tzu sisters, for a few minutes at bedtime last night. I closed the doors so she couldn’t run out, and I just talked to her. John said, “Do you think she’s going to answer?” because I talk to them constantly.

Life looks much better without a quesy tummy.When I got into bed, I put Dottie between us. She stayed on the people bed for about twenty minutes before she finally lay down. I could tell that her head was still up though, so she wasn’t completely relaxed. I turned over and set her on the other side for a few more minutes, and then I put her down on the floor and opened the door. She ran into the hall, but then she just sat there wagging her tail. I’m not sure if she went downstairs or not after I went back to sleep. I’m thinking about getting a dog bed to put upstairs and see if any of the shih tzu sisters give it a try.

The furry alarm clocks went off at 5:30, which was way too early, since we stayed up late. John was researching tools on his iPad, and I was working with pictures and updating my blog.

Who says puppy mill moms can't become fluffy puppies? Again, I tried to ignore the shih tzu sisters, but they kept coming back until I dragged myself out of bed at 6. John was reading the instructions for the camera we just bought, so he couldn’t help me get the bowls together, as he sometimes does. It took longer than usual, especially since Flower kept barking while I was trying to get everything together, so I kept stopping to go to the door and tell her to be quiet. I know she needs some discipline. We’re getting to that point. Inch by inch.

Our experiment with Dottie yesterday resulted in the shih tzus still acting afraid of John this morning. I think Dottie and Candy would have forgotten it, and maybe even has, but Flower has gone back to barking constantly at him. The result is that they all scatter whenever he gets near them in any way.

John and I went out for pizza after church, so we were gone for a few hours. When we got home, to try to get the shih tzus a little more comfortable with John again, he passed out the treats. It seemed to help.

they’re alive

It has been very hot, and the swamp cooler doesn’t seem to be doing its job. That might be why the girls have been on their beds in their corner so much this afternoon. However, at one point, all the animals came alive. I don’t know who hit the switch. Shiloh jumped up on our couch, and Flower jumped up on her couch, bringing one of the Angry Bird toys with her. Dottie had been next to me, but she jumped down on the floor. Candy stayed behind at Shih tzu Central.


John took a bike ride, with Shiloh on a leash. Shiloh did very well. When they came back, we sat outside in the twilight. Flower barked a little, but not much. They all wandered around the garden or sat on the porch. They all came in but Candy, so John went and picked her up. He held her and stroked her for a few minutes. She didn’t seem to mind.

Shih Tzu Day 30: In Hiding

Hiding from Mom and Dad

The girls woke me up at 5:30, like clockwork. When I finally got up and went into the bathroom, Dottie rubbed very hard against my leg. I’m not sure what that means. I assume she just wanted to be close to me.

What's the name of this Flower? Hey, that's my name!

I am going to refrain from giving the kids many treats today, because Dottie still has diarrhea. I feel bad because she also still seems fearful of me, after I impatiently pulled her the few inches towards the training pad yesterday. I ended up using the sides of the exercise pen to make a fence between the living room and the dining room, so they couldn’t run and hide under the dining room table. They tend to do that when they get scared, and Dottie has been doing it a lot. Candy and Flower hide there often as well.

Playing Nice with Mom

When I'm in the garden, I forget I don't feel good.I left the house for a few hours to meet a friend for lunch. When I got back, the girls were all very playful. Candy played with the orange dog off and on. When I held her and then released her, she didn’t go right back to her pen. Neither did Flower.

Shiloh found a way to get up on a dining room chair. That is another reason to block off that area. The table is full of clutter, and I have the treat box there. I forgot to close it earlier, and I think that might have been his target when he got up on the chair. When I shut the container, everyone thought it was opening, dropped what they were doing and came running.

They did their wild dog impression, where they all rush towards me at once, Dottie and Flower wagging their tails, Candy attempting to move hers and Flower bobbing her head from side to side.

The highlights of the afternoon included watching Shiloh trying to dominate Flower, and watching her sass him back. After John got home, Flower jumped on the couch with Dottie and me, while he sat beside me, for the first time. It helped that he was eating Bugles, and he offered her a few.

Shih Tzu Day 21 Highlight: Forever Home!

Dottie, Candy and Flower Freeze Have a Forever Home

Candy is oblivious that she was just adoptedI have known for a week that Delores and I would be discussing something very important today: adoption. She brought over the paperwork for me to sign after the visit to the vet.

Although it was a very momentous occasion to me, and the shih tzus — ! — things were a little too hectic at the house when I signed the papers to be able to pause and celebrate the moment.

Shiloh Explores While Candy and Flower Bathe

Dottie would be happy to know she has found a forever homeFirst, when we got home, we let Shiloh out of the kennel, and she started roaming around the house. While she explored, Delores and I took Candy and Flower into the kitchen to give them a bath, blocking their exit with a baby gate. I couldn’t catch Flower right away, so we bathed Candy first. She was nervous, but she, like Dottie, she did fine. I was surprised that Flower did too. Both were very docile while wrapped in the towel for drying.

As soon as I let Candy go, she took the first opportunity to go and roll in the dirt in the garden.

Did I hear someone say I've been adopted?Although Dottie and Candy mainly acted as if Shiloh wasn’t there, Flower looked at the intrusion differently. I was concerned when it looked fisticuffs was inevitable, but Delores thought they were just playing. I’m still not sure about that.

In the meantime, Peek-a-boo found a way to get up on the table, and decided to lounge there. Miss Muffett made herself at home on the couch. With so many canines in the house, I feebly asked her to get down, but then gave up.

Adoption Day

When Delores asked if I was ready to sign the papers, transferring the shih tzus from BFF Rescue to us, I realized that I was. It was a big step — a lot bigger than being foster parents — but it was a step I was ready to take. I love these little ewok princesses!

As I looked over the paperwork she had brought with her, I noted their names: Dottie Rose Ann, sired by Ringo Boy Stein, and the dam, Kiyanne Rose Stein, on 9/17/2005; Frosty Iris Candy, also sired by Ringo Boy Stein, with dam Saki Grace Stein, on 4/30/2009; and Golden Flower, sired by Ringo Boy Stein (busy, busy boy!) and dam Sasa Nicole Stein.

I was happy! I was now the Forever Mom of three precious, although slightly dysfunctional, little girls!

Shih Tzu Day 8: A Lot of Shihtz in the House

I don't mind sitting with you, but I'll stay a safe distance.I stayed home with the girls all day. Dottie, Flower and Candy played together a lot. They come up to the couch often to see what I am doing. Sometimes they come to the front of the couch, but sometimes they stay in their Superyard, and peek up over the end of the couch. When Dottie did it, I pulled her over and sat her beside me. She sat  on the arm long enough for me to take a few pictures before jumping off.

I am going to take Deb’s advice and buy a dog whistle to see if I can get better pictures. Also, I tried to set my camera with her directions to take pictures of the dogs when they are romping wildly. However, I still need a lot of practice.


Flower has a bit of a jealous streak. Whenever I pet Dottie, she usually tries to get me to pet her instead. Look, Ma! I have on Candy's body!Then, sometimes, they end up wiggling around, jumping up and down excitedly, wagging their tails. Sometimes, Candy comes up and starts jumping on both of them.

I admit that I am probably creating monsters out of these shih tzus. I lured Flower up on the couch to get Milo’s chicken jerky. She jumped up three times, grabbed her jerky, ate it, and then jumped down. When I went to the kitchen to get me an apple, she jumped up again and walked up and down. So did Candy.

If you give me more jerky, I'll sit on the couch with you a little longer.I got their food ready while John was on his way home. It was bad timing. They had just come up to their bowls eagerly when he came in the door, and they went back to their communal doggy bed. They all just stared at him, but at least there were few growls or barks. I brought their food bowls over to them and they continued their dinner.

Later, after I had gone upstairs, John stepped in poop on the carpet. At least they are using the training pad to urinate. But, like my friend John Little said in a comment on one of my Facebook pictures of them, “That’s a lot of shitz in the house!”

Shih Tzu Day 1: A New Foster Home

We aren't moving out of this corner!Delores stopped by this morning to make sure the improvements were made in the backyard to keep the shih tzus safe. We passed our BFF Rescue inspection. She came back about an hour and a half later, with Barbara and the shih tzus. We were all pleasantly surprised that Flower surveyed her new Superyard without appearing frightened. Instead, she danced around, tail wagging, jumping over Candy, who was the quietest one. Delores tried grooming her face yesterday, so she might not be that happy. Dottie roamed around the house a little. When we opened the door to go outside, they all followed us, and circled their outdoor exercise pen several times.

If she tries to talk to us, pretend you can't hear her.

It reminded me of scenes from Toy Story when Barbara and Delores left about 45 minutes later. Dottie, Candy and Flower all went back to the far end of their pen and huddled together, as if they had never come alive.

I went to the store this afternoon to get them some chicken jerky and a water bowl. Barbara gave them Waggin’ Train they bought in large bags at Sam’s Club, but they didn’t have it at Costco, so I bought what they had. I also got a  very cute ceramic bowl from the Dollar Tree that said “Lap Dogs” and “Feed Me” and pictured traditional lap dogs. Although shih tzus top the list of popular lap dogs, I have no idea if these little furry fellows will ever sit on our laps.

When I got back from shopping, I opened the back door and Dottie and Candy went outside, but Flower wouldn’t move. I tried to give them some jerky, but none of them would take it from me. I put a few pieces on the ground, though, and someone ate one of them. After that, Flower left the pen, strayed a few feet and then came back. Maybe she was just looking for a way to escape, or maybe she was looking for Barbara. I tried to utter the magic words, “Silly girls,” which Delores says makes them dance. It didn’t work.

I hoped to have better luck getting the girls to eat at dinnertime. I had recently read that most dogs like hamburger, mashed potatoes and green beans (Joey did, but she liked most food!), so I planned to treat them with a good, home-cooked meal after John got home.

The furry critters didn’t seem too frightened when he walked in the door. When John started cooking, I hoped the delicious smells would lure them out of their pen, but it didn’t happen. Instead, I fixed them petite plates and served it to them in their play yard. Flower was the first one to eat the hamburger, followed by Candy. However, they left the potatoes and green beans mostly untouched. Dottie wasn’t eating at all, so I took her out of the pen, hoping she might eat in a different location. It didn’t work.

Their stress doesn’t prevent them from sleeping, however.  They appear to be sound asleep right now.