Shih Tzu Day 97: Upside Down Day

Bones, bones and more bones

upside down black and white shih tzuHaving four dogs around the house means we need lots of bones! And it’s not possible to just pass out four. I have to have extras for when they steal each other’s. Flower used to be the biggest culprit in that area, but Nigel outdoes her. I haven’t figured out yet if there is a way to mark them, like you would a plastic glass at a party, so I know who is stealing whose.

I did discover that the Dollar Tree has retriever rolls, mini rawhide bones and pressed bones, which is a relief. They might not be their favorite treats, but they seem to like them all. All of the dogs happily chewed on what I gave them for a long time. I have bought the small red and white rawhide bones before, but I have never seen the girls demolish one. Nigel sat next to me for a good hour unraveling his into a gooey mess.


two shih tzus rompingWhen he let it go and Dottie picked it up to try to help him finish it off, they had a growling contest. Neither would back down, so I had to intercede. Dottie happily chewed on one of the treats at Shih Tzu Central for quite a while, which gave Flower the opportunity to jump up on the couch without any dirty looks or growls from the couch monitor. I gave her a good rub down, and she jumped down as soon as I stopped. Whenever she does that I tell her she is a user; of course, she doesn’t know what that means.

two shih tzus romping


Nigel stayed outside by himself for a long time today. It’s tough being an outsider. But, hopefully it’s just an adjustment period. When he came inside, I was eating an apple and offered him a piece. He ate it like I thought he would. I still haven’t been able to get the girls to try one.

Dottie was in a playful mood today, so she picked a play fight with Candy. Then, Flower jumped into the fray. It’s always funny when Dottie gets involved, because she is usually so mellow.


2 thoughts on “Shih Tzu Day 97: Upside Down Day

  1. Oh ! Nigel is such a cute little doggie !! Alright not as sweet as you 3 girls, but mom made me wrote this …
    I still have to tell you in what language I write my blog, well it’s Flemish. We live in a small country in Europe, called Belgium. And as a good citizen I speak 4 languages, Flemish of course, French, English and German. And I almost forgot the Doggy-language in which I am fluent, but mom is still learning … ;-))

    • Mom let us answer on her user ID, so she wouldn’t have to sign out and let us sign on. Thank you for saying we are cuter! Nigel is a little bit of a brat, but I guess he’s okay. We tried to translate your blog, but Mom only knows how to do it a sentence at a time, so we couldn’t read much. Do you know how we could translate it easier? We can’t believe you speak four languages! Wow! We wish Mom would learn doggy language! She knows a little, but not enough. I hope you have something fun planned for the day!

Love to hear from you!